94: Masculine Leadership in Relationships with GS Youngblood

94: Masculine Leadership in Relationships with GS Youngblood

Do you ever wish your husband would take more initiative in the bedroom? Our podcast this week is all about masculine leadership within the bedroom (please note: this is not to diminish or replace feminine leadership). GS Youngblood is an author and coach for men. GS...
85: When Emotional Intimacy Doesn’t Come Easy For Men

85: When Emotional Intimacy Doesn’t Come Easy For Men

I’m interested in doing a podcast episode primarily for men about understanding intimacy, especially if it wasn’t modeled in your home growing up. To be clear, I don’t mean “intimacy” as a euphemism for sex. I mean Intimacy as in relational...
82: Q & A About Sex & Intimacy (Part 1)

82: Q & A About Sex & Intimacy (Part 1)

This episode is unique! Jenny, an influencer known as @princessturnedmom from Instagram reached out to me and asked if she could do a podcast takeover and ask me some questions from her audience. How fun! This Q&A session is part one of two where we...