I’ve been looking forward to releasing this 200th episode for a long time, and I wanted it to be extra special. And while pondering that, a few months ago, a tragedy struck our family. My wife’s cousin, a bubbly, happy 29-year-old mother to three kids...
For most couples, there’s a lot of hot passion and excitement during the early dating and engagement time and for a while after the wedding. But over time, we develop routines, scripts, and become habituated to each other. This is normal and serves a good...
There is a question that philosophers, scientists, and artists alike have been trying to answer for centuries: What is love? Some believe it is an emotion, others believe it’s a choice. Some claim love is an evolutionary trait designed to further the human race. But...
It takes great compassion and love to be willing to see your spouse for who they really are. It’s easy to instead hide behind resentment or our own fantasy of who we want our spouse to be rather than accepting and loving what is. This is illustrated in the...
Date night is easy to make a priority before we get married. But once we’re married, we start to forget the importance of spending time together in a dating scenario. As divorce rates go up, a big reason for that is not continuing to date each other and spend time...