A sexless marriage is, for our purposes, a marriage where the lack of sex is distressing to either or both parties. A sexless marriage is often perpetuated...
Intimacy & Emotional Needs
The Art of Sexual Desire
Desire is "a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen" (quote taken from Google). Sexual desire is encompasses your...
Male Entitlement and How to Combat it
Male entitlement refers in general to the cultural phenomena where males feel entitled to women’s bodies, sex, or favors. This is a very widespread and...
How to Grow Sexually
Developing Sexuality How do we go about growing sexually? If one wanted to develop their spirituality, one may decide to read religious books, listen to...
Pornography in Christian Marriages
Pornography. You’ve heard jokes about it. You’ve been lectured about it. It’s this big scary thing that ruins relationships and desensitizes teens. But how...
Becoming One in Marriage
When you hear the word sexuality, what comes to mind? Is it a word you’re comfortable with? Unfortunately, many people feel ashamed of sexuality and their...
Building Deeper Intimacy
What is Intimacy? Intimacy is about a willingness to know and to be known. Some say intimacy could be spelled “into-me-see”--It’s about being seen as you...
Seeing Our Spouse For Who They Are
It takes great compassion and love to be willing to see your spouse for who they really are. It's easy to instead hide behind resentment or our own fantasy...
Sharing Your Load
Have you ever noticed that there’s something almost invisible and intangible that interferes with our ability to connect with our spouses sometimes?...
Mindfulness and Sex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKFa0CrLMuc Your full presence is one of the greatest gifts you can give another person. By being fully present, your mind...
Self Care and the 3, 2, 1 Rule
Have you and your spouse ever had a time when you felt divided? And you don't even really know how it all started? You think, we're fighting, but why are we...
Everything Isn’t Terrible
Close romantic relationships are often fraught with anxiety. It just comes with the territory and it's a beautiful part of what makes us human. But how we...
What a Boudoir Photographer Taught Me About My Body
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzh_kwkPCRk Acceptance and self-confidence is sexy, isn't it? We sat down with Caley Newberry, a boudoir photographer...
More Than Just A Body
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAUMb0akUXE Many people who grow up in a predominately conservative Christian community usually don’t have open...
Purity Culture’s Impact on Your Marriage
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNEXLPGrfBU&t=6s "I believe God's standard for sexual morality is clearly explained in the Bible: chastity before...
Understanding Your Spouse Using the Enneagram
Personality tests are a really fun tool that can help you learn more about yourself while really enjoying the process! When used correctly, they can also be...
Maturing In Marriage With God
Frankly speaking, almost all of us are quite immature when we get married, which can lead to a lot of hurt and confusion in the relationship. Whether you...
Stop Letting Entitlement Hinder Your Marriage
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsZZ_j1xwkk&t=1s Feeling a sense of entitlement as the woman or the man in a relationship truly hinders your capacity to...