Join our live masterclass, Overcoming Sexual Desire Differences without Therapy, Thursday Nov 14!

Troubleshooting Sexual Issues

5 Sex Positions for Pregnant Couples

5 Sex Positions for Pregnant Couples

Pregnant sex!? Back in my single days, my roommates and I had a tradition of making every new visitor to our apartment watch what we thought was the...

Understanding Responsive Desire

Understanding Responsive Desire

It’s a typical evening in the Severson household. My husband and I are watching TV. Suddenly, something gets me aroused. Maybe it’s a romantic line in the...

Sex and Aging

Sex and Aging

I remember watching a show with my roommates when I was in college. In the show, the main character had parents who were dealing with illness and aging....

Being a Good Christian who Loves Sex

Being a Good Christian who Loves Sex

I was raised in a relatively sex positive household. We didn’t talk about it all the time, however I did see my parents being flirty and romantic with each...

Commuter Marriages: Keeping the Spark Alive

Commuter Marriages: Keeping the Spark Alive

If you prefer to listen: here is our podcast on Commuter Marriages Many couples, for a variety of reasons, have to live apart for a time. This experience is...

Self-Sabotage in Marriage

Self-Sabotage in Marriage

It’s a typical evening in my apartment. I am working until 10 pm, when my husband finally gets home. I’ve been sitting at my laptop, writing this blog, and...

Moving on from Duty Sex

Moving on from Duty Sex

Many of us have heard the phrase “duty sex.” For some of us, it may be a regular occurrence in our marriages. Although it seems harmless to have sex with...

Tantric Sex: What, Why, and How

Tantric Sex: What, Why, and How

Before college, I had never heard of tantric sex. It wasn’t until I took a fantastic marriage prep class with the one and only Tammy Hill that I learned...