EmbedEdit I used to think the word erotic was associated with unsavory things like X-rated films, Las Vegas billboards, or sites are not supposed to visit...
Troubleshooting Sexual Issues
196: Handjobs, Pegging, Mismatched Libidos, Husband Won’t Let Me Initiate: Q&A
I'm very excited about today's episode today! We get to address a lot of juicy topics, such as the following: a reluctant wife feeling pressure to give her...
194: “Is this ok for us to do?” Seeking God’s Direction In Your Sex Life
"I just have a hard time with some of the things you said on your podcast. How can you be okay with things like toys, lingerie, and even talk about sex so...
189: The Secret to Saving Our Sabotaged Sex Lives (and how they got so messed up in the first place!), with Rhonda Farr
Did you know that most couples that visit traditional sex therapy have very poor outcomes? They're still just as dissatisfied two years later as they were...
Becoming One: Overcoming Obstacles to Intimacy in Your Marriage – A FREE Workshop
Navigating the complexities of marriage can often feel like steering a ship through stormy seas. How you confront and manage conflict within your...
174: Dirty talk, Bondage, Masturbation and More – Q&A with Dan Purcell
I'm excited to answer some anonymous questions I have received from listeners. Some topics we cover include the following: Learning to dirty talk and flirt...
Sex is Weird: Embracing the Awkward, Fetishes, Butt Stuff, and Building a Marriage for Two – Q&A
We have all had questions at one time or another about sensitive situations, especially around sex. But it's sometimes hard to know who to ask. So, to help...
155: Sex is Weird: Embracing the Awkward, Fetishes, Butt Stuff, and Building a Marriage for Two – Q&A
You Have a Story and I'd love to hear it I love hearing your success stories! If you would like to share yours on the podcast, please fill out this form....
154: Good Vibrations: How To Close the Orgasm Gap in Your Marriage Tonight, featuring Amanda Louder
I strongly believe one of the paths to a stronger marriage is by doing the work necessary to have a great sex life as a couple. Why start with sex? It’s...
5 Sex Positions for Pregnant Couples
Pregnant sex!? Back in my single days, my roommates and I had a tradition of making every new visitor to our apartment watch what we thought was the...
Understanding Responsive Desire
It’s a typical evening in the Severson household. My husband and I are watching TV. Suddenly, something gets me aroused. Maybe it’s a romantic line in the...
Sex and Aging
I remember watching a show with my roommates when I was in college. In the show, the main character had parents who were dealing with illness and aging....
Being a Good Christian who Loves Sex
I was raised in a relatively sex positive household. We didn’t talk about it all the time, however I did see my parents being flirty and romantic with each...
Commuter Marriages: Keeping the Spark Alive
If you prefer to listen: here is our podcast on Commuter Marriages Many couples, for a variety of reasons, have to live apart for a time. This experience is...
Self-Sabotage in Marriage
It’s a typical evening in my apartment. I am working until 10 pm, when my husband finally gets home. I’ve been sitting at my laptop, writing this blog, and...
Holding Space: When Your Spouse has Sexual Trauma
Trauma is not something I would ever take lightly. I have been fortunate enough in my career to work with many women who have experienced sexual trauma. I...
Moving on from Duty Sex
Many of us have heard the phrase “duty sex.” For some of us, it may be a regular occurrence in our marriages. Although it seems harmless to have sex with...
Tantric Sex: What, Why, and How
Before college, I had never heard of tantric sex. It wasn’t until I took a fantastic marriage prep class with the one and only Tammy Hill that I learned...