Live Event
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What’s it about?
Nationally renowned marriage speakers and presenters are flying in to join experts from our area. You’ll walk away with actionable insight in many areas, including:
Improve communication
Understand each other's love languages
Put the spark and fun back into your marriage
Make intimacy & sex fun and meaningful
...and much more!
When & Where
You and your spouse are invited to an upbeat and special night out at the Get Your Marriage On! marriage enrichment event. It’s casual dress, fun, and edifying too.
Location and time TBD.
Ticket Prices
Online Ticket Pricing is $99 / couple
Paying at the door? It’sย $129 / couple.
Why Attend?
Whether you’re just engaged, a newlywed, raising a clan of youngsters, or empty nesters in your golden years, Get Your Marriage On! has something for you.
Knowledgeable, engaging, and entertaining speakers
Fun & upbeat date night event
Hands-on workshops
Free gift bag
Door prizes
...and don't forget dessert!
Get Your Date Night On!
Treat your spouse to something special they’ll never forget!
Tickets can be purchased on-line through this website. You need only one ticket per couple. Your ticket includes access to:
- The event
- The Adult Prom
- A gift bag
- Video recordings of all sessions
- Laughter, Insight, and Tips
Attending alone (or going stag)? No problem! Single tickets are also available.

You could win a cruise for two!
When you attend the Get Your Marriage On! event you will be entered for a chance to win a cruise for you and your sweetheart.