Get Your Marriage On Blog

Sweet & Sexy Coupon Book for Valentine’s Day

Sweet & Sexy Coupon Book for Valentine’s Day

*** 2025 UPDATE *** There can be a lot of pressure on Valentine's Day to make it really special. Did you ever wish there was just a Valentine's coupon that could guarantee a sweet and sexy surprise? Well, we made one. This sweet and sexy coupon book is the perfect...

14 Days of Sextimacy Challenge 2025

14 Days of Sextimacy Challenge 2025

Are you ready for something new to celebrate your love this February? Do you want something that will not only bring you and your partner closer but also infuse your love life with excitement? Us too! We’ve created the “14 Days of Sextimacy Challenge” – a special challenge designed to rekindle the flame of passion in your relationship!

226: How To Infuse Creativity into Your Sex Life with Role-Play

226: How To Infuse Creativity into Your Sex Life with Role-Play

  Two Novembers ago, I vividly recall sitting across the living room, checking out my amazing wife, Emily, even we have the familiarity of being married for nearly two decades. And that moment she was all new to me and fascinating to me. I caught the butterflies all...

Is It Grabbing or Groping?

Is It Grabbing or Groping?

There’s a fine but significant line between grabbing and groping. Understanding this difference can prevent unnecessary relationship tension and help foster a truly intimate, sexy marriage. Generally speaking, many women love being grabbed by their partner (check with...

225: The Secret to a Scintillating Sex Life

225: The Secret to a Scintillating Sex Life

Our childhood and families of origin have a profound impact on our worldviews, including our attitudes towards sex and intimacy. Not knowing anything different, for the most part, we tend to intuitively model what we've seen and absorbed from the culture we grew up...

When the Mood Isn’t Mutual: Responding with Love

When the Mood Isn’t Mutual: Responding with Love

The other day, my wife and I found ourselves playfully flirting throughout the day, hinting at what might come later that night. We were both on the same page—excited for some connection after a long day of life’s usual demands. But when 10 o’clock rolled around, the...

224: The 5 Phases of a Sexual Relationship

224: The 5 Phases of a Sexual Relationship

Take a moment to think about the evolution of your own sexual journey as a couple. How far have you come in the last year? Or the last two years, or the last five years? Is what's important to you today the same as what was important to you in the last two or five...

Ever Wish Your Wife Was a Little Less Vanilla?

Ever Wish Your Wife Was a Little Less Vanilla?

Ever feel like you wish your spouse was a little less vanilla? Ever wish your spouse would be more enthusiastic about trying new or exciting things in bed (or out of bed for that matter)? Ever ask your spouse what their fantasies are, and all you get is a blank stare...

How to Stay Open When You’re Just Not Feeling It

How to Stay Open When You’re Just Not Feeling It

Picture this: It’s a peaceful Saturday afternoon. The house is quiet, the kids are out with friends, and you and your spouse have just finished tidying up a few things. Suddenly, your partner looks at you with that twinkle in their eye and asks if you’re up for a...

Demystifying the Two Libido Types

Demystifying the Two Libido Types

If there’s one thing I wish I’d learned earlier in my marriage, it’s this: my wife and I don't experience sexual desire in the same way—and that’s completely okay. In fact, it's completely normal. Let me set the stage with a quick story. Imagine I walk into our...

Women’s Small Group Coaching Outcomes

Women’s Small Group Coaching Outcomes

We recently wrapped up our Women's Small Group Coaching program cohort. Ten women met weekly over a three month period. Those in the group went through the Get Your Marriage On Program course, received coaching to apply what they learned, and grew tremendously over...

Beautiful Breasts in intimate play

Beautiful Breasts in intimate play

I think our bodies are incredible! All aspects of our bodies are thoughtfully engineered by God to facilitate our joy, pleasure, and connection in marriage. Breast stimulation is can be amazing and it is often underutilized when couples come to bed to play. Both...

221: Q&A – “Help! My Wife is Vanilla When it Comes to Sex”

221: Q&A – “Help! My Wife is Vanilla When it Comes to Sex”

Ever feel like you wish your wife was a little less vanilla? Every wish your spouse would be more enthusiastic about trying new things in the bedroom (or out of the bedroom for that matter)? Ever ask your spouse what their fantasies are, and they look at you with a...

220: Black Belt Sex Tips 4.0

220: Black Belt Sex Tips 4.0

  I studied martial arts for 13 years when I was younger and I became proficient in three different styles of Karate and Kenpo. As you progress towards being a black belt, the fundamentals don't change, but your ability to be more precise and skilled in using those...

The little things passionate lovers do that make huge differences

The little things passionate lovers do that make huge differences

I live one hour from Zion National Park and just a couple of hours from the Grand Canyon. Every time I visit these canyons, I’m awestruck by their immensity. It’s incredible to think that these natural wonders were not carved in a single sweep, but by a small amount...

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