Get Your Marriage On! App
The marriage app that’s FUN and NOT boring!

Warning! Side effects may include:
- Improved Communication
- Marital Satisfaction
- Deeper Intimacy
- Happier Sex Life
- A Sense of Closeness

A full-blown marriage app to take your relationship to the next level!
It’s fun & interactive with games, and activities; short [and hilarious] videos, and access to real live experts!
There’s tons of tools to guide your intimate and essential communication. With the app learn how to make sex & intimacy awesome, manage & resolve your conflicts, be better understood by your partner, and experience joy and fulfillment like you’ve always dreamed.
What real people are saying about the Get Your Marriage On! App
Upbeat & Fun
What I love about the app is that it’s an upbeat and fun way to strengthen my marriage. The modules are well done, it’s like the benefits of a seminar or professional counseling without the cost or stigma. The tools and games are really fun (especially Battlestrip). I upgraded to the full version and love it.
Highly Recommeded!!!!!
I couldnโt be more pleased with this app! Phenomenal platform, easy to use, and absolutely fantastic content!
Easy To Follow
This is a great and helpful app for strengthening your marriage i really like the way itโs set up in a road map feel and the videos describing each section is really awesome!!! if you have any kind of a relationship this app would be a great tool for bettering yourself and marriage!!!
Most Involved Marriage App Ever
I just got this app and am loving it!! There was a lot of work put into it, there are short informational videos through out explaining why couples have communication issues and gives ideas on how to overcome them. It is so much more than any other marriage app iโve seen yet.

What’s In The App
A Harvard study showed that a healthy & happy marriage is the single greatest predictor of a healthy & long life. You use apps for other areas of your health & fitness, so why not your most important relationship in life — you marriage?

[and hilarious] Videos
Fact: you canโt improve your marriage without a little bit of education. And it doesn’t have to be boring! Who wants to read a long text book when you could get the same research-backed information from credible experts in the form of a short video? Besides, the “homework” in Get Your Marriage On! is …. how do we say it … exciting!
Letโs get right to the point. Who knew you could be improving your marriage while waiting in the carpool line or while using the bathroom? And The best part: theyโre funny too!
[video_popup url=”https://youtu.be/JCYFHBDdBj4″ img=”https://getyourmarriageon.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/play-circle.png”]
[video_popup url=”https://youtu.be/JCYFHBDdBj4″ text=”Here’s a preview of our foreplay video”]
Digital Tools for your marriage

Marriage Meetings


The Clearing Structure

Love Languages Quiz

Vision Board

What I Love About You


20 Ways to Show Love

Conversation Starters

Our Foreplay List

Experts At Your Fingertips
Have a specific question for your situation? Ask an expert and the Get Your Marriage On! community. You can choose to make your question anonymous as well.

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