About 1 in 8 couples have trouble conceiving. Infertility can become a real struggle for couples, sometimes interfering with intimacy and impacting their sex life. I’m was fortunate enough to meet Sadie Banks.
Sadie Banks is the owner and creator of Good Grief Journals. In 2018, she was in the trenches of her Infertility Journey. She needed a guided outlet to help her through the emotions and hard experiences that her infertility journey brought into her life. After interviewing over 100 women who had experienced infertility or who were experiencing infertility, she created a prompt journal specifically for working through infertility trauma and grief. Shortly after creating the Infertility Journal, it was clear that guided journals for other types of grief were needed too and Good Grief Journals expanded.
Sadie is happily married to her husband Parker. Together they have a grouchy toy poodle named Mozzie, an almost 2-year-old daughter named Berkeley, and Baby number 2 on the way! Parker and Sadie’s infertility journey brought them closer together as a couple and they are enjoying their experience as parents while also finding time alone to enjoy one another’s company!
In this episode, Sadie shares what she’s learned and offers helpful tips on how to keep your marriage growing through it all. If you or someone you love is struggling with intimacy during infertility, I hope this episode inspires you and gives you hope.