International Lovemaking Day is June 9th! We think this holiday is PHENOMENAL. Of course we love it here at Get Your Marriage On! because it is all about enjoying some time with your spouse. Because this day is so great, we decided to design a special date night for you and your spouse to do to help you grow closer together. Enjoy!

I had so much fun getting our table ready! The banner in the background is attached below for you to print out and hang up as you wish. I chose to attach it to 2 large dowels so that I could put it in the ground under our apple trees in our yard for a nice outside dinner.
The fun international tablecloth, plates, and flags I found at a local party store near my home. It was so fun to add these to our dinner table!

Putting the charcuterie board together was absolutely a great time! The Chinese food for the main course was so delicious. And our Hawaiian drinks were so sweet and tasty! We decided to wait to enjoy our gelato until a little later, since we were so full from these two courses. Links for all of the recipes are in the menu attached below. You can also make it easier on yourself and get a cheese tray from the grocery store, take out Chinese for the main course, and ice cream or gelato from a local shop. It’s completely up to you!

When you’re done with your meal, be sure to play one or all of the games attached below! They are so so fun, and had us laughing for hours. Mix them up and put your own spin on each of them. You will have a blast, I promise!

This chocolate gelato was to die for! We enjoyed it while watching one of our favorite movies together.
I hope you all enjoy this fun international date night! Add to it as much as you’d like. Let us know how it went and what you added to make it even more fun!