Join our live masterclass, Overcoming Sexual Desire Differences without Therapy, Thursday Nov 14!

General Posts

Is It Grabbing or Groping?

Is It Grabbing or Groping?

There’s a fine but significant line between grabbing and groping. Understanding this difference can prevent unnecessary relationship tension and help foster...

224: The 5 Phases of a Sexual Relationship

224: The 5 Phases of a Sexual Relationship

Take a moment to think about the evolution of your own sexual journey as a couple. How far have you come in the last year? Or the last two years, or the...

14 Days of Sextimacy Challenge 2025

14 Days of Sextimacy Challenge 2025

Are you ready for something new to celebrate your love this February? Do you want something that will not only bring you and your partner closer but also infuse your love life with excitement? Us too! We’ve created the “14 Days of Sextimacy Challenge” – a special challenge designed to rekindle the flame of passion in your relationship!

Demystifying the Two Libido Types

Demystifying the Two Libido Types

If there’s one thing I wish I’d learned earlier in my marriage, it’s this: my wife and I don't experience sexual desire in the same way—and that’s...

Women’s Small Group Coaching Outcomes

Women’s Small Group Coaching Outcomes

We recently wrapped up our Women's Small Group Coaching program cohort. Ten women met weekly over a three month period. Those in the group went through the...

Beautiful Breasts in intimate play

Beautiful Breasts in intimate play

I think our bodies are incredible! All aspects of our bodies are thoughtfully engineered by God to facilitate our joy, pleasure, and connection in marriage....

220: Black Belt Sex Tips 4.0

220: Black Belt Sex Tips 4.0

  I studied martial arts for 13 years when I was younger and I became proficient in three different styles of Karate and Kenpo. As you progress towards...