We recently wrapped up our Women’s Small Group Coaching program cohort. Ten women met weekly over a three month period. Those in the group went through the Get Your Marriage On Program course, received coaching to apply what they learned, and grew tremendously over the short time! Many friendships were also made.
The small group environment is ideal because it gives you a chance to learn from each other and find commonalities. Part of the program also includes a capstone project.
Here’s the outcomes of what the women reported:
Several women reported that learning about emotional enmeshment and seeing how they were taking ownership of their husband’s emotions/thoughts/ actions was a powerful realization. Changing this pattern has created more freedom in their mind and heart, less overwhelm for them, and more connection with their spouses. They also said it has helped them to feel lighter and that they have more choices available to them.
Two of the women reported that they loved Intimately Us and they used it to intentionally schedule couple time- to make sure that it was more of a priority in their lives.
Several women reported that learning about their internal critical narrative, giving it a name, and also defining what is true has been especially freeing. They are enjoying being themselves morem making more intentional choices, and exploring new interests. They also reported being happier in their bodies and two of them reported liking lingerie now, where they didn’t before. Many said they are learning to see sexuality and intimacy in new and different ways.
Three women reported that doing the daily emotional check in has been powerful for their marriages and allowed them to know themselves and their spouses so much deeper. It has created more connection for them.
The women wished that there was more time to discuss the module topics. They felt a little overwhelmed by the amount of information and wanted more time to process through and digest it- in addition to the coaching.
Many of the women have already completed their capstone projects, but a few are still in the works. They include sending the kids away for a day in the home together, renting a little cabin in a quaint small town, booking a favorite hotel nearby, booking a trip to hobbit-like rentals in Tennessee and an anniversary getaway that is still being planned.
The women stated it was very comforting to be able to see and feel that others were having similar challenges in their marriages and they were not alone or broken. They really enjoyed the smaller group.
Lastly, we did a vision/goal setting exercise with them to help them see their next steps and reinforced my belief in them as creators.
Check out the Women’s Small Group Coaching page for more information!