Join our live masterclass, Overcoming Sexual Desire Differences without Therapy, Thursday Nov 14!


224: The 5 Phases of a Sexual Relationship

224: The 5 Phases of a Sexual Relationship

Take a moment to think about the evolution of your own sexual journey as a couple. How far have you come in the last year? Or the last two years, or the...

220: Black Belt Sex Tips 4.0

220: Black Belt Sex Tips 4.0

  I studied martial arts for 13 years when I was younger and I became proficient in three different styles of Karate and Kenpo. As you progress towards...

218: The Well-Sexed Wife

218: The Well-Sexed Wife

 It's hard to believe that my wife and I started this work eight years ago! At that time we were 13 years into a happy marriage, but something was missing....