95: Hormones, Periods, and Sex with Ashlee Sorensen

by | Aug 12, 2022 | Podcast

I used to think that a woman’s period was just nature’s way of telling you that you’re not pregnant. But there’s so much more to understanding one’s cycle. Did you know that a woman’s cycle can be broken down into four phases, and each phase has its own superpower? That understanding your hormones and what they’re there for can give you more confidence and energy? And that there are foods should you eat (and foods to avoid) to help support a healthy body and hormone levels? 

Ashlee has personal experience with PMS, debilitating period pain, and infertility is what ultimately set her on a journey to learn more about how food and lifestyle affect hormone health, and eventually creating her signature course, Cycle Strategy 101, as well as Exercise and Hormones, and Cycle Sexcess. As you’ll see, Ashlee is passionate about teaching women how to tap into their superpowers by honoring their cyclical rhythms. 

Links mentioned in this podcast episode:

Wild Power

In the Flo


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<h3>Dan Purcell</h3>

Dan Purcell

Dan and his wife Emily Purcell are the founders of Get Your Marriage On! They are on a mission to strengthen marriages by making lovemaking incredibly fun and deeply connecting. Dan is a sex coach. They are also the creators of the popular Intimately Us and Just Between Us apps that have been downloaded over 750,000 times. They are the host of the popular Get Your Marriage On! podcast with over 1 million listens. In addition to their coaching program, they host romantic retreat getaways for couples, and put on workshops on how to have a great sex life and deeper intimacy.Dan and Emily met in middle school and have been married for over 20 years and have 6 kids. Dan loves cracking dad jokes, running marathons, planning the next creative date night with his sweetheart, and enjoys the magnificent outdoors around their St George home.

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