Being Yourself Is Super Sexy (Sexpert Interview)

Do you or someone you know ever struggle with the idea that they’re just not sexy because they don’t measure up to someone else’s definition of “sexy”? What if you were already the sexiest person you know?

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Welcome to this Sexpert Interview with Celeste Davis from Marriage Laboratory! Celeste is a Gottman Certified Marriage Coach, host of the Marriage Thereoke Podcast, and blogs at The Marriage Laboratory.

We cover topics such as:

  • Celeste and her husband Rich did month-long experiments on each the five love languages. What they learned about the fifth and last one made a huge impact on their marriage, and could change yours too
  • How to develop a healthy self image
  • How being authentic and drawing on your own natural gifts and innate talents is really sexy
  • How to discover your own version of “sexy”
  • How to peel back the onion layers and work on yourself to be the very best version of you

Celeste finishes the interview with some awesome “black belt” intimacy tips to take your marriage and lovemaking to the next level.

Be sure to check out or @marriagelaboratory on Instagram for more of what Celeste can offer!

For more videos like this one, download the Intimately Us app. You can follow us on Instagram at @getyourmarriageon for more great content to strengthen your marriage.

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<h3>Dan Purcell</h3>

Dan Purcell

Dan and his wife Emily Purcell are the founders of Get Your Marriage On! They are on a mission to strengthen marriages by making lovemaking incredibly fun and deeply connecting. Dan is a sex coach. They are also the creators of the popular Intimately Us and Just Between Us apps that have been downloaded over 750,000 times. They are the host of the popular Get Your Marriage On! podcast with over 1 million listens. In addition to their coaching program, they host romantic retreat getaways for couples, and put on workshops on how to have a great sex life and deeper intimacy. Dan and Emily met in middle school and have been married for over 20 years and have 6 kids. Dan loves cracking dad jokes, running marathons, planning the next creative date night with his sweetheart, and enjoys the magnificent outdoors around their St George home.

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