123: Next Level Sneak Preview: Getting Out Of A Rut

by | Feb 24, 2023 | General Posts, Podcast

As I sat at my desk, planning today’s special episode with you in mind, I reflected on the progress my wife and I have made in our marriage over the last six years, a lot of which is the catalyst for why we’re doing this important work with Get Your Marriage On!

And as I reflected on these things, it reminded me of a time about a year ago when I felt stuck on an issue in my own marriage. And just so you know, my wife and I have a great marriage, and in many ways it’s an ordinary marriage with its ups and downs and opportunities for growth and so on. At this particular time, I wanted something that my wife did not, and both of our views were valid, yet we were in gridlock: we couldn’t move forward in this state we were in. Sometimes I just feel really frustrated and resentful of the state of things and just wished she would see things my way.

The solution to problems like these required me to grow in a new area that I didn’t recognize or see in myself, yet in just one session with my marriage coach, she helped me see myself more clearly and pointed out the very thing I failed to recognize myself that was holding me back and where I needed growth. This and subsequent experiences like this make me a big believer in marriage coaching.

Albert Einstein is said to have once said, “We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” And I believe that to be true when it comes to issues in marriage and that’s why marriage coaching is so helpful.

It raises the level of thinking or the intelligence in the relationship so you can see what’s going on.

Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of coaching over 100 individuals and couples; last week alone I coached 10 couples or individuals and I helped them raise their level of thinking in their relationships.

I do all of my coaching through my program and it’s called Next Level. Next level is my affordable coaching program, designed specifically for busy couples on the go that want to take their intimacy to the next level. Here are some of the examples of the wonderful next levelers that I am honored to work with just this past week alone.

One couple has been married for a couple of years, he has a very high sex drive and she has almost no sex drive and the differences in desire in their relationship are causing a lot of hurt feelings for both of them.

Another couple are becoming empty nesters soon and want to address a few issues with regards to their relationship, closeness, intimacy, and sexual desires in their marriage. As they begin a new chapter in their life together, they’re starting to experience a shift for good in their relationship as they’re recognizing what’s been missing and how to achieve what they both really want.

In another example, a couple married two years is navigating the ins and outs of sexual pleasure, desire differences and she’s learning how to orgasm.

A conscientious husband wants to know how to best address his concerns with his wife about the level of intimacy in their marriage. They’ve both been through a lot of stress recently due to a growing business and changing family roles and so on. It has put a lot of strain in their relationship.

Another couple I’m working with has had their worst fights around how they spend time with their extended family when they go home and we dig in deeper to find out the root cause of why splitting up their vacation time with family is such a source of contention in their relationship.

A woman in Next level we’re working with grew up in a home where her father left the family and now that she’s married, she has fears that her husband will do the same thing to her, although she recognizes her husband is nothing like her father yet. Her fears get triggered at the most inconvenient times that interfere with her ability to be intimate with her husband.

This and numerous other examples are people that are coming to next level to raise the level of intelligence in their marriages and are finding great solutions and new tools to help them in their most important relationship.

And I want to invite you to join my program and work with me in next level. We offer a coaching call at least once a week, sometimes twice a week. Some of the calls are for men only and women only as well. And my colleague, Amy Langford, coaches the women.

You get access to a ton of content, videos, courses, and workshops I’ve developed over the years to you also get access to a private podcast that’s not available anywhere except for members of next level. I also give our Next Levelers an opportunity for private one on one coaching as well.

And today I have permission to share with you a part of a recording of a recent private coaching session that I did last week with a wonderful couple Andy and Stephanie, which by the way are not the real names to protect their identity.

Andy and Stephanie have been married for about 30 years and have recently been pushing themselves to grow together sexually. It’s been exciting and scary for them at times.

Listen to how Andy and Stephanie confront themselves in real time and get clear in their mind around how they can think about certain concepts and how it leads to deeper intimacy in their relationship.

Now, most of my coaching sessions like these are an hour long, but I’ve cut it down for brevity sake for this podcast, but I still think it carries the main gist of what coaching can really be like, so you can see yourself and how coaching can really help you in your relationship if you’d like to join me and over 100 other members that are in next level. The doors are now open just for another week, it’s $49 a month per couple with no long term contract.

It’s a really, really good way to accelerate your growth in your marriage and I hope I get to work with you there. Check it out here!

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<h3>Dan Purcell</h3>

Dan Purcell

Dan and his wife Emily Purcell are the founders of Get Your Marriage On! They are on a mission to strengthen marriages by making lovemaking incredibly fun and deeply connecting. Dan is a sex coach. They are also the creators of the popular Intimately Us and Just Between Us apps that have been downloaded over 750,000 times. They are the host of the popular Get Your Marriage On! podcast with over 1 million listens. In addition to their coaching program, they host romantic retreat getaways for couples, and put on workshops on how to have a great sex life and deeper intimacy. Dan and Emily met in middle school and have been married for over 20 years and have 6 kids. Dan loves cracking dad jokes, running marathons, planning the next creative date night with his sweetheart, and enjoys the magnificent outdoors around their St George home.

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