I live one hour from Zion National Park and just a couple of hours from the Grand Canyon. Every time I visit these canyons, I’m awestruck by their immensity. It’s incredible to think that these natural wonders were not carved in a single sweep, but by a small amount of water steadily flowing over many years.
Building a strong marriage is a lot like the Virgin River through Zion or the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon.
It’s not the grand gestures done inconsistently that truly define a relationship—it’s the small, consistent actions that draw us closer to our spouse. Grand gestures may be dazzling, but the everyday little things are what build lasting intimacy.
The Intimately Us app’s daily intimacy challenge is built on this premise: small, intentional actions done regularly can transform your relationship in big ways.

In 2025, I encourage you to make it a habit to do one small thing every day to nurture your marriage. Even the tiniest gestures, done consistently, can make a profound impact over time.
What are some of these “small things”? It could be as simple as expressing gratitude:
- Thanks for unloading the dishwasher.”
- “Thanks for being patient with our toddler today.”
- “Thanks for the way you looked at me when I left for work.”
Small things can also be non-verbal: the way you hold hands, gazing into each other’s eyes, or offering a flirty squeeze on a private body part. These simple acts, especially done from the heart, communicate affection and desire without saying a word.

Another small yet powerful gesture is how you speak about your spouse, especially when they’re not around. The way you think about them influences the way you talk about them. Positive words create a culture of love and respect that strengthens your bond, even when they’re out of earshot.
The tricky thing about small things is how easy they are to overlook. It’s easy to skip doing a little thing to build your marriage because it’s a little thing. It’s easy to neglect. But precisely because they’re small, they’re manageable—and that’s where their power lies.
The goal is deeper intimacy and connection, and the path to get there is paved with little things done with love. Start today. A small act of kindness might be just the thing your marriage needs to thrive!