Get Your Marriage On 2022 Retreat In Review

That’s a wrap on the October of 2022 Get Your Marriage On retreat! I was privileged enough to be able to attend and help out, and I was blown away by the quality of the event. Here’s a breakdown of everything we got to learn together. 

The Experience

participants at the retreat listening to a session
Participants listening to a session

The event was hosted by Dan Purcell (GYMO founder and Marriage Coach) and Amanda Louder (Sex Coach). Each day consisted of several learning sessions with topics such as “Gaining Awareness”, “Entanglement to Interdependence” and “Embracing Eroticism”. Each session built on the last; first creating a healthy foundation and then helping couples craft awesome sexual experiences on a firm foundation. 

In between sessions, we got to explore the beautiful resort, play games (like pickleball, cornhole, volleyball etc), or just enjoy the peaceful mountain atmosphere. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner were catered and delicious every time. 

In the evenings, we were treated to a date night where we learned swing dancing, a fun movie, and then alone time in beautifully aesthetic cabins to “practice” what we’ve learned 😉 

The whole experience was incredible. But by far the best part was getting to learn from such great teachers. Dan and Amanda are so good at explaining relational concepts so everyone can understand them. The friendly environment encouraged participation and allowed everyone to learn from each other.

Here’s what our participants had to say about the retreat… 

Dan, Amanda, and guest Aimee Gianni answering questions
Dan, Amanda, and guest Aimee Gianni answering questions

Participant Reviews

“The sessions were great. The content was pertinent and helpful. There was so much that I “took away” I don’t know if I could narrow it down to a few key ones. Though I will try… it takes intentionally working toward a healthy love life in the normal patterns of life to have healthy sexual intimacy. The tools for both were presented and encouraged at the retreat.”

“I found the most value in embracing intimacy and building arousal and desire.  All of the sessions were helpful and built on each other.  The engagement through the group discussions was beneficial (even if we were the quiet ones in the crowd). Ultimately the weekend exceeded my expectations.”

“Session content was good, session that resonated was past conditioning I hadn’t realized before, key takeaway was that my sexuality is important too and it needs to be both of us working on a healthy sexuality for our marriage, all sessions had value. I’m grateful to have been there and walked away closer to my husband than I have been in years.”

“Thank you again. Overall it was lovely and uplifting. I think every couple should go and I haven’t been able to tell enough people how amazing it truly was. Honestly had the best sex of my life over the weekend so thank you!!!”

Reviews from Past Retreats

“Dan helped me to realize that my libido is not something to be ashamed of or frustrated with. I’ve learned that my strong sexuality desire can be directed to strengthen my marriage.”

“Dan covered a lot of very helpful material. This material would be helpful in a lot of stages of marriage – I just wish I would have discovered sooner. I really learned to focus on what I can control and build from there. I am excited about where my marriage and sex life will go from here.”

“This helped me at a critical time in my marriage. More than anything it helped me understand myself better. Dan is a very knowledgeable teacher, and extremely approachable and generous with his time. He is invested in the success of his students, which is something I felt on a personal level.”

Group photo with all our wonderful participants!
Group photo with all our wonderful participants!

Are you interested in our next event? We are planning on hosting another retreat March 23-26, 2023. Stay tuned for tickets to go on sale soon! 

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<h3>Amanda Severson</h3>

Amanda Severson

Hi, I'm Amanda! I'm a grad student on her way to becoming a Marriage and Family Therapist. I'm a wife and a sex enthusiast. I am a psychology nerd whose life goal is to help every couple find the absolute joy of sharing your life with someone else.

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